Agency v Corporation

Public Relations is an multifaceted field and it is responsibilities are different based on the type of Public Relations that is being practiced. There are two main types of Public Relations. Public Relations at an agency level, and Public Relations at a corporate level. Both types must know their audience in order to produce an effective Public Relations strategy, however there are many more differences that exist between agency and corporate Public Relations.

It is important to recognize the differences that exist in the different fields of Public Relations. The biggest being the scope of responsibilities that each have. Public Relation agencies often are responsible for multiple clients. They have to organize their time and resources against different clients that may have very different products and messages. Corporate Public Relations have one focus. Their focus is based upon one corporate goal (Entrepreneur). Corporate Public Relations also have a larger budget to run their messages.

Another large difference that exists between public relation agencies and corporate public relations is the type of work that each do. Agencies, by nature, focus on strategy, writing, stakeholder development, releases, and other similar activities (Edwards). They are paid using billable hours of work to key clients. Corporate public relations, on the other hand, are more focused on obtaining corporate goals, and instead are paid by showing their effectiveness to upper management (Entrepreneur).

These are not the only differences between the two types of public relations. Public relation agencies often have a different hierarchal structure, smaller budgets, non-traditional work environments, and team dynamics that differ from corporate public relations (Edwards).

Edwards, I. (2012) Public Relations (PR): What are the differences between working in-house and at an agency? Retrieved from:

Entrepreneur (2013) Business Idea Center: Public Relations Agency. Retrieved from:

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