SM Opinion Piece

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Before you can discuss social media it is important to first establish what social media is. In order to do this, it is easiest to dissect social media into the two words that it is made of. Media is defined by Out:think as an instrument of communication. Therefore, social media is a social instrument of communication (Admin, 2011)This definition of social media most often includes websites that don’t just provide information, but also interact with individuals while doing so. Traditional media channels communicate one-way, from the organization to the target audience. Information is provided, however individuals are unable to respond. Social media transforms this one-way communication into a two-way conversation. The ability for consumers to interact and network so easily and efficiently gives them a substantial amount of power.

This distribution of power makes it important for organizations to be aware of the different categories of social media websites identified by Out:think, such as social networks, bookmarking sites, media sharing, and microblogging (Admin, 2011).

Social media allows individuals to connect with friends, meet new people, and stay in touch with the world. The most common, and widespread example of a social network is Facebook. Facebook is the primary social media website that I use to stay in touch with friends, announce life events, and share and store photos. In addition to Facebook I also have a Linkedin account to keep me connected to the professional world. My Linkedin account allows me to connect with professionals, and helps me expand my professional network. I also use Linkedin to find job opportunities. By communicating my education, work experience, and other accomplishments employers are able to reference my Linkedin account and contact me, opening doors for future job opportunities.

Another category of social media websites that Out:think mentioned is bookmarking sites. These sites allow individuals to organize, manage, and save links to other websites. Individuals are able to save links to make them easier to find (Admin, 2011). The best-known bookmarking website today is Pinterest. Pinterest allows individuals to “pin” different ideas, and share them with other individuals through Pinterest or other social websites such as Facebook. Of all the social media sites I use Pinterest the most. With a wedding quickly approaching in June I spend most of my downtime browsing Pinterest for new ideas. Over the past year Pinterest had the largest year-over-year increase in audience and time spent of any social network, across PC, mobile web and apps, according to a study performed by Nielsen in 2012.

Out:think also discussed media sharing and microblogging. Media sharing websites allow individuals to upload and share pictures and videos to millions of people, often at no cost. Most social networks provide some sort of media sharing, however websites such as YouTube and Instagram specialize in media sharing (Admin, 2011). Media sharing is unique because it has the ability to make anyone famous overnight. Videos quoting simple phrases like “double rainbow” and “Charlie bit me” are now famous. They inspire parodies, t-shirts, and even Halloween costumes. Media sharing is where Justin Beiber, OK Go, and Workaholics all got their start. On the other hand, microblogging websites like Twitter allow individuals to post short updates that are shared with anyone subscribed to receive them (Admin, 2011). I use Twitter occasionally as a way of staying connected to others, and keeping up on events happening in my area. Typically I have to be provoked by a friend or an interesting event in order to seek out information from Twitter.

These types of social media often overlap among the various services available. I primarily use social media websites as a method to share images, message groups, update friends, network with professionals and store ideas, pictures and contacts. Although I have multiple accounts on various social media sites I primarily use Facebook, Linkedin and Pinterest to stay connected.

Social media sites continue to change as technology improves. Over the past years the number of social media sites has drastically increased. While Facebook and Twitter continue to be the most popular social media websites, other websites such as Pinterest have emerged in the past year. Individuals are also using social media as a tool to enhance TV-watching into a more immediate and shared experience (Nielsen NetView, 2012). In addition to enhancing TV- watching, a study performed by Neilsen (2012) revealed that individuals are primarily using social media as a method of keeping in touch and networking with others.

Social media provides a path of two-way communication between the consumer and the company. One of the most beneficial aspects of social media is the opportunity for engagement that it creates. Consumers are becoming weary of traditional advertising. Social media not only provides a more credible way to advertise to consumers, but also a way for companies to respond to consumers and take action. Research shoes that roughly one quarter of social media users say they are more likely to pay attention to an ad shared by one of their social connection (Nielsen NetView, 2012). Social media allows consumers to generate word-of-mouth that can reach people in ways traditional advertising could never do.

Social media is constantly changing with technology. Recently social TV has been embraced among individuals in order to transform their TV-watching experience into a more shared experience. In addition to transforming TV-watching social media is transforming customer service. Social media provides a channel to reach customers and improve their customer service faster than ever before. Nearly half of U.S. consumers are reaching out directly to brands and service providers to voice their satisfaction or complaints (Nielsen NetView, 2012). Social media will continue to change and transform, and it is important that companies transform with it. By doing so companies will be able to stay relevant in the rapidly changing world.

Admin. (2011, Sept 6). The 6 types of social media. Retrieved from

Nielsen NetView. (2012, July). State of the media: The social media report 2012. Retrieved from

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